Barking Dog Coffee - HSG At The Gardens
Barking Dog Coffee
Published: September 25, 2019
Working with Tom Douglas, the chief coffee roaster at Barking Dog Coffee Australia has been amazing. He’s crafted an amazing blend of beans for us all to enjoy.
The depth of flavour has been nothing short of divine. There is No heavy bitter acid overtones and best of all, it does have an amazing aroma we all crave from a beaut coffee.
We proudly freshly grind Barking Dog Coffee and sell the beans in our retail space from the cafe.
When we first set up the cafe at HSG, we were approached by a number of different coffee suppliers.
However, working with another local family business is important to us personally. We also feel that the overall success of what we are working towards- sustainable & hand crafted is also being catered for.
Are you interested in seeing Tom roast his coffee beans? You can call out and see him on the weekends at Alloway Farm market.
Our coffee beans are roasted each weekend and ensure we get the freshest beans for our grinder.